
17 Jul, 2019

Why I.C.E. Group Training?

Excite Health and Fitness


Most attempts at cardio wipe out any chance of body shape improvements. I’m sure you know lots of people who spend hours in the gym or on the treadmill and they never change!

Intense Cardio Exercise (I.C.E.) is a science-based approach that maximises fitness and fat loss! In fact, the research behind I.C.E. principles show you can burn up to 3 times more fat during cardio exercise through higher utilisation of fat in the hours after our training session.

The idea is to exercise at different intensity levels for short periods of time, throughout the workout. However, the aim is to structure the workout to maximise work capacity by priming all energy production systems to optimise repeat max-force output, without inducing premature fatigue. Subsequently, this approach will promote maximum fat utilization and calorie expenditure not only during, but also in the hours after the workout.

In fact, these structured bursts of maximum effort workloads (followed by lesser effort recovery periods) for just 20 minutes are shown in research to achieved three times the fat loss compared to exercising at a regular pace for 40 minutes or longer.

Why does a structured approach to cardio promote a better fat loss effect?

High-intensity interval training produces a very unique metabolic response. Intermittent, short bursts of high intensity work produce high levels of chemicals called catecholamines – “fight or flight” hormones – released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. The most abundant catecholamines are epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and dopamine, all of which are produced from the amino acid phenylalanine and tyrosine. These catecholamines are produced in response to high intensity, repeat maximum-effort exercise, and as a result, more local fat is utilised (burned) to fuel recovery in the hours after.

So how can we apply this information to ensure better results in your training at Excite?

  1. Excite includes I.C.E. training principles to maximise fitness AND fat loss by taking a structured approach to sessions.
  2. Excite focuses on intensity, not duration.
  3. In your training, we move as much of your body as possible.
  4. Sessions use a variety of effort levels.
  5. We don’t perform the same workout often – we do not want to become too efficient at a workout, or the results diminish – if we do activities we are no good at, we burn more calories!
  6. We implement an intensity level in sessions – a perceived effort for each person or intensity rating (IR) from IR 1 (not much effort), to IR 10 (your very best physical effort).

Most attempts at cardio wipe out any chance of body shape improvements. I’m sure you know lots of people that spend hours in the gym or on the treadmill and they never change! I.C.E. is a science-based approach that maximises fitness & fat loss! In fact the research behind I.C.E. principles show you can burn up to 3 times more fat during cardio exercise!

If you would like to find out more, or even come along for a FREE week to try out, get in touch with us below and we will sort your free consultation and get you going!

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