
05 Jan, 2024

Measuring Long Term Health

Excite Health and Fitness

Maintaining the ability to enjoy life without pain or injury becomes increasingly important as we age. Beyond orthopedic concerns, understanding key biomarkers can significantly impact our longevity.

1. Oxidative Stress

Definition: The body becomes overwhelmed by free radicals, leading to cellular damage and accelerated aging.

What To Do: Prioritise a diet rich in antioxidants from fruit and vegetables. Incorporate adequate rest and recovery days into your training routine.

2. Blood Glucose

Importance: Crucial for overall health and longevity.

What To Do: Maintain balanced meals and snacks, including blueberries linked to better brain health. Combining berries with a protein source helps regulate blood sugar levels.

3. Vitamin D

Significance: Promotes healthy aging, bone health, and regulates nervous and immune systems.

What To Do: Consume vitamin D-rich foods like salmon, eggs, and fortified dairy products. Spend some time outdoors every day. Consider supplementation, particularly during low sun exposure periods.

4. Cortisol

Role: Body's stress hormone, elevated by unhealthy stress management, inadequate sleep, and overtraining.

What To Do: Prioritise at least 7 hours of sleep per night. Incorporate stress-relieving practices like yoga or meditation. Ensure sufficient rest and active recovery days.

5. Magnesium:

Functions: Supports healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, immune system, and muscle contractions.

What To Do: Include magnesium-rich foods in your diet, such as salmon, pumpkin seeds, and beans.

Achy joints aren't the sole concern in our pursuit of health and fitness as we age. Stress, diet, and sleep are equally critical factors impacting overall well-being and longevity.

Take proactive steps today for a healthier tomorrow.

Yours in health and fitness,



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