
27 Dec, 2023

Healthy breakfast cheat code

Excite Health and Fitness

Having a flatter stomach involves making smart choices, especially when it comes to breakfast. Here's a quick rundown of four breakfast options that can set the right tone for your day:

1. Oatmeal or Seeded Porridge

2. Eggs

3. Protein shakes

4. Plain Greek yogurt

Let's add one more: Avocado toast. A slice of multi-grain or sour-dough toast with (s)mashed avocado, olive oil, lemon juice, and a sprinkle of red chilli flakes for a flavour boost). Want to add more protein? Top it with smoked salmon and/or a soft/hard-boiled egg.

Now, let's talk about what to steer clear of when it comes to breakfast.

1. Sugary cereals

2. Instant oats (often packed with sugar)

3. Starchy carbs (like white bread toast)

4. Fatty meats (bacon and sausage, which can be high in sodium and preservatives)

If the holiday indulgences derailed your nutrition, a well-chosen breakfast can set a positive tone. It not only minimises cravings but also paves the way for successful choices throughout the day.

What's your go-to healthy breakfast? Email me, I’d love to know!

Yours in health and fitness,



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