
04 Feb, 2022

Do You Really Want it?

Excite Health and Fitness

I have a gym owner friend who recently sent out a survey to his clients asking them for some basic information about their goals.

He simply asked them to rank themselves 1-5 (5 being the best) in Fitness, Nutrition, Sleep Stress and Happiness … and to type in one specific, measurable goal for the next 90 days.

A link to a Google Form went out twice in the span of a few days to 61 people.

Would you care to guess how many people took the time (i.e. 2 minutes) to fill out the survey?

Eleven people.

Less than 1 in 5.

Now, this is going to sound harsh, so brace yourself.

If you’re not even willing to take 2 minutes and let your coach know what your goal is for the next 90 days, I’m not too optimistic you’re willing to put in the work to achieve it.

You see, a lot of people want a better body, stronger muscles, and more energy.

A lot of people want to look better in their clothes … and out of their clothes ;)

A lot of people want to do all the activities they love without pain.

And a lot of people want to have a healthier mindset.

But most people aren’t willing to put in the time and effort to exercise consistently and eat mindfully.

Most people want instant gratification, and if they don’t shrink their waist and lose 5kg in the first two weeks, they get discouraged and quit.

Most people get sidetracked by the slightest change in their schedule or smallest obstacle in their way and start making excuses why they “don’t have time.”

But you’re not most people, right?

You’ve got the focus and discipline to train consistently and make your meals a little more compliant.

And you’ve got the resilience to stick with it when things get hectic in your life.


Think about what kind of person you are.

The kind who says they want it?

Or the kind who’s willing to put in the effort to have it?

You get to decide.

Yours in health and fitness,



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