
02 Mar, 2022

2 Years

Excite Health and Fitness

This month marks two years since the pandemic gripped the country and forced us to change and adapt in ways we’d never quite imagined.

In most areas, gyms and other small businesses were forced to close their doors for months. But that didn’t mean fitness had to stop. We just had to find different and more creative ways to get it done.

And if you ask me, the skills we learned and resilience we showed during various shutdowns over the past two years will serve us extremely well as things slowly return to some semblance of normalcy in 2022.

I think we have better and more effective ways to be fit and healthy than ever before. In my experience, the following things will matter more than ever when it comes to achieving the body and health that you want:

Technology: Results are no longer 100% based on time spent at a physical gym location. It’s now much easier to supplement those gym workouts with structured home workouts (live or on-demand) to amplify your results.

Accountability: In the “old days,” chances are the only time you interacted with your trainer or coach was when you were in person for your sessions. Now, you can receive coaching, accountability and support during the “Other 165” hours of the week. And as we’ve learned, that’s where most of your outcomes are determined - in the kitchen or restaurant, as opposed to in the gym.

Coaching: Remember when people used to sign up for a gym membership, walk through the doors with the best intentions, but realise they had no earthly idea what to do or how to do it in order to get the results that they wanted? We all do better with a coach. With the right coach, all you have to do is show up and your plan is all mapped out for you so you don’t even have to think. And, thanks to technology, this works whether you’re meeting with your coach in-person or online.

Overall Wellness: If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that we need to prioritise supporting our immune system. So access to services like nutrition coaching and high-quality, immunity-boosting supplements is going to be a game-changer.

These are just a few of the things that changed over the past two years, and frankly, made health and fitness more important, and more accessible, than ever before.

What’s one way you’ve been able to adapt and improve your fitness routine over the past two years? Shoot me a reply and let me know.

Yours in health and fitness,



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